The Five Fold

This is the second in a 3 part series of significant phenomena in the U.S. over the past 100

In the fourth chapter of Ephesians, Paul lists what we’ve dubbed the five-fold ministry. These are the five “offices” of leaders in the church (the body of Christ). In other words, they’re the categories into which we can divide ministers to the church to understand their various roles.

When I reflect on the past 100 years in our nation, certain ministers come to mind as
functioning in these various roles. I’m certainly not the final authority on this subject. Many
may disagree with me on several differe nt choices. I wouldn’t put up an argument at all. So if you comment with an opposing view, I won’t respond. I’ll just let it sit. You’d probably be right, anyway. Regardless, here’s my list of representatives of each of the five roles.

1. Apostles

  • Chuck Colson – Dr. Colson took the gospel of Jesus Christ into new territory (prisons), organized the ministry, named Prison Fellowship, and raised up other leaders to continue the work beyond his own years. I believe that’s what an apostle does. Apostle really means one sent by God; I believe God purposed Chuck Coleson to transform inmates and prisons in response to the crimes of which Colson was convicted as part of the Nixon Watergate scandal.
  • Chuck Smith – Rev. Smith responded to the hippie movement of 1960s California by leading multitudes of young people into a relationship with Jesus. They became known as the Jesus People as part of the Jesus Movement. Eventually Pastor Chuck organized the Calvary Chapel movement, raising up many local pastors, evangelists and local fellowships across the country.

2. Prophets

Martin Luther King, Jr. – Dr. King is one of the most impactful figures on American culture in our nation’s history. I count him a prophet because he challenged injustice across our land by leading civil rights followers with both courageous example and eloquent speech, which is what Old Testament prophets did. And he did so as a minister of the gospel and by the teachings of Jesus (nonviolence). His vision – or dream – was racial equality and interracial love. He wouldn’t settle for resorting to retaliation but held tight the priority of mistreated African Americans not taking on the attitude of the hatred with which they had been treated. The abuse he suffered is also reminiscent of that of the Old Testament
prophets, and with comparable impact, even, as many Bible prophets, to martyrdom . I consider MLK Jr. the prophet to America in the twentieth century.

3. Evangelists

Billy Graham – Dr. Graham preached the gospel in person to more people than anyone in
history. Yet many came to faith in Christ by watching his crusades on TV. There have been many effective evangelists in America, but Billy Graham stands apart from all others as the evangelist to our land in the past one hundred years.

4 & 5. Pastors/Teachers
We’ve had many, many wonderful pastors/teachers these past hundred years, so many that I almost scrapped this blog for my inability to decide whom to exclude. I’m going to list several and include their more specific contributions (in parentheses).This list is a very subjective list, based on my opinion and limited by my own exposure. I know many would disagree with some of my choices and I’m ok with that.

Rick Warren (organizer) – The lead pastor and founder of Saddleback Community Church
constructed the mold for local church structure. His Purpose Driven Church is my favorite on the topic. And his Purpose Driven Life and Forty Days of Purpose have helped millions of individual Jesus followers organize their walk with Christ in an effective Scriptural way.

Tony Evans (teacher & master of the sermon illustration) – Senior Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible
Fellowship in Dallas, Dr. Evans is my favorite Bible teacher/preacher. Whether topical or expository (not necessarily mutually exclusive), his preaching is clear, Scriptural and edifying. His mastery of using relevant illustrations to help listeners understand God’s Word is second, in my opinion only to Jesus Himself. Pastor Evans is also a prolific author. His ministry has crossed racial and cultural lines, doing much to unify a historically divided U.S. church.

I want to include others – though I’ll surely leave out many – who have been used by God to equip many Christians in the U.S. to serve God.

Chuck Swindoll (teacher), Charles & Andy Stanley (teachers), Adrian Rogers (teacher), John Piper (teacher), John McArthur (teacher), TD Jakes (teacher), Joel Osteen (encourager), Craig Groeschel (teacher & innovator of smart phone Bible app), Steven Furtick (teacher),
Joyce Meyer (women, as well as me and other men), James Dobson (family)

Finally, let me not neglect to mention the less-known local pastors across our land. Some of the very best preaching, teaching and ministry of all kinds is carried out by the local pastors and leaders of our local churches. They may not be as widely known, but their impact may actually be even greater than the list of well-knowns I’ve made above.

Dear God, thank You for every person named and unnamed here! Please bless them all and all of us whom they’ve so faithfully equipped!