In Spanish, solo means only. I want to use SOLO as an acrostic for four of the most important characteristics of God on which to build our faith. If we understand these four things about God, we may know enough about Him to have a strong faith. We could say that this knowledge is the only truly necessary knowledge for the foundation of strong faith. Here are those four characteristics of God.

In Spanish, solo means only. I want to use SOLO as an acrostic for four of the most important characteristics of God on which to build our faith. If we understand these four things about God, we may know enough about Him to have a strong faith. We could say that this knowledge is the only truly necessary knowledge for the foundation of strong faith. Here are those four characteristics of God.

Sovereign. God reports to none, is under none’s authority; He reigns over all and serves His own purposes. Nothing is out of His control; He commands all His realm. He has the inexplicable ability to allow us free will without compromising His sovereignty in the least. He has no rival, no equal, no peer; He is holy, unique and incomparable. He is the only true sovereign. The so-called sovereignty of the greatest nations, empires, kingdoms and beings all ultimately comes from Him and submits to Him. His sovereignty can be trusted. He alone is sovereign. 

Omnipotent. Our highest, most extravagant thoughts come short of what God is able to do. If we could consider every possibility in the most difficult circumstances, we couldn’t exhaust the options available to God, because He simply can do anything; not only can He, but He is doing, has done and will do anything and everything according to His magnificent will. He is the Almighty; with Him, nothing is impossible. His ability can be trusted because it is limitless. He is all-powerful. Omnipotent. 

Love. How fortunate that such a powerful, sovereign God is also perfect in love. Love – the kind that doesn’t require its recipient to earn it – is not something God merely practices or created; rather, He is love. His love is made known as He is made known. We receive His love because He loves us, based on who He is, not who we are. His love always endures, is patient and always perseveres. It never fails; His love can be totally trusted. 

Omnipresent. If we descend to the lowest depths or rise to the highest heights, God is with us. He transcends all barriers, exists in every reality, is present in every kind of trouble. We cannot exit His presence, whether by the efforts of another or of our own, but we can completely trust that He is always present. He is omnipresent.

In my book, Brilliant Faith, I assert that our faith needs to have basis, and that basis is what we know about God. If our knowledge of God is accurate, then our faith is well founded, valid and has a strong foundation. I list seven God traits in the book, these four are the most essential. 

If we remember and trust these four things about God, I believe we have the only SOLO – knowledge of Him necessary. Knowing Him better and better as we walk intimately with Him will enhance our relationship with Him and faith in Him. But to know God SOLO will serve us well.