How to Raise Your IQ

There’s a very simply way to raise your IQ. Maybe not easy to do, since it may go against your very nature, but the process is simple.

And it’s easy to understand. It’s also free, financially at least; no costly service or plan to purchase. But it will take some sacrifice. 

There are different ways to explain why humans are more intelligent than animals. From a physiological standpoint, we have more neurons in our brains’ cerebral cortex than other mammals do. And our brains’ different regions are able to strategically interact with each other; in other words, we can consider our own thoughts. A more everyday language way of saying it is that we have self-awareness. A human is the only earthly creature that can consciously, intentionally evaluate and make judgments about their inner selves.

So my premise is that if we can sharpen our self-awareness, we will then be increasing our intelligence. We have the opportunity to raise our IQ.

Pride, Scripture says, leads to self-destruction. It precedes a fall, precipitates failure. I think that’s because pride skews our self-awareness. It positions us to see ourselves as better than we actually are and others, including people, God and factors in our situations, as less than they really are. And since we overestimate ourselves and underestimate externals, surprisingly to ourselves, we fall. We fall in performance because we have fallen in intelligence. And we fall in intelligence because of pride.

This disease is known as intelligence deficiency due to pride (IDDTP). It originated in the heart of Satan and is highly contagious. By the way, he serves as the perfect example of IDDTP, having gone from arch angel level intelligence to a being so dumb that he continually challenges the invincible God of all creation. The good news is IDDTP is treatable. Self-administered under the supervision of the Holy Spirit, humility infusion has proven immediately effective at reversing IDDTP. Humility can even elevate intelligence beyond the baseline because it has the opposite effect of pride. 

Humility comes from a word that means dirt. It symbolizes the act of positioning oneself on the ground, the lowest possible position. From that perspective, a person can see themselves and externals in a more accurate light, which reactivates the cerebral cortex neuro-function and opens up intra-cerebral pathways, allowing us to assess and judge ourselves more accurately in relation to externals. 

In short: pride makes us dumb; humility makes us smart. And the only cost for the treatment is our self-destructive pride. I think I’ll try it.

Join me in raising your IQ?